John 4: 21 Jesus said to her, Woman, believe Me, the hour is coming when you will neither on this mountain, nor in Jerusalem, worship the Father. 23 But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father is seeking such to worship Him. 24 God is spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth
Jesus taught that people are free, free to enjoy being God's children, free to grow and become the beautiful people God intended them to be.
True religion comes from the heart. It is a deep relationship with god and should bring peace and joy and love to people, NOT fear and guilt and meanness. Worship has true meaning only when it's FREE. God is pleased only by the free expression of the soul that truly loves Him.
In my opinion, most if not all religions today are more focused on administrative and organizational
aspect that they sometimes forget the true essence of religion - which is to be Christlike. There are already existing church structures but they have to build a bigger, better one. What if they allocate the funds to helping those that are truly in need?
The Pharisees and the Sadducees hated Jesus because they are more concerned about the Law which was created for the people, not otherwise. To them, Jesus disrespected the Law because He healed on the Sabbath. They sneered at Him for dining with sinners. They were blinded by their jealousy of Jesus' growing popularity that they failed to see Him as He truly is- the Messiah.
In present day times, some people feel that their going to church did not help them any because they see things they should not be seeing. Relatives or people close to them who just got out of church start yelling bad words as soon as they get home. Friends gossip about even in church. In other words, not practicing their beliefs. We are all guilty of that. It is hard to walk the walk, but I believe if we are persistent in our desire to change that, we will eventually get there.
As free creatures, the Words of Jesus in worshiping the Father in truth and spirit can be done anywhere - as it is our hearts that the Lord looks upon.
And we are very fortunate to have a Loving, Merciful, Ever-Forgiving God who does not look on how many times we fall, but on every occasion we rise up from the fall.
Bless the Lord, oh my Soul
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