Monday, May 9, 2011

Why God Created Us

“Do not work for food that perishes but for the food that endures for eternal Iife.” (John 6:27)

Ignatius of Loyola was a sixteenth-century Spanish knight who loved fighting battles and wooing beautiful women. At least that was the case until a cannonball shattered his leg and forced him to spend months in bed recuperating. He was bored, and the only books available were a life of Christ and the lives of the saints. As he read, Ignatius noticed something interesting: When he thought about chivalry and fighting victorious battles, he would be happy for a time, but when he thought about Christ and the saints, the happiness that he felt was deeper and didn’t fade.

Isn’t that the case in our own lives? Perhaps we are initially happy with the latest electronic gadget or a new outfit. But soon it loses its attraction. Despite what advertisers tell us, our lives are much richer when we invest ourselves in things that endure. God created us for love, not just to acquire things. He created us to love him and to love one another, not to love things that we can buy.

Of course, this doesn’t mean that God wants us all to live like ascet­ics. Especially if we have families, we have to be concerned about providing for their needs. What’s more, God doesn’t want to deprive us of the things of this world. Rather, he wants to make sure we are focusing on him first. That’s what makes all the difference!

Today, think about how you spend your time and your money. Think about the way you use your gifts and talents. A quick glance at your check­ book can give you a good glimpse into your priorities. But that’s not the only thing to look at. Take a look also at the things that preoccupy you.

Jesus told us that wherever our treasure lies, there our hearts lie as well. Are you seeking his kingdom first? Where can you do better? If you see a need for change, ask his Spirit to help you. And don’t worry. Through the food of the Scriptures and the Eucharist, Jesus can show you the path to life!

“Lord, I want to invest myself in the things that last forever. Help me to make you first in every area of my life.” - WAU
--that in all things God may be glorified--

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