Saturday, May 7, 2011

Be Not Afraid

“It is I. Do not be afraid.” (John 6:20)

Just what were these seasoned fishermen afraid of? Surely not a storm on the lake! They had seen that before. No, John tells us that the disciples “began to be afraid” when they saw Jesus walking toward them on the water (John 6:19). Here was something they had never seen before, and it filled them with fear. Physical healings were one thing. Even exorcisms they could handle. But seeing Jesus completely unfazed by the raw forces of nature—this was just too much. Who was this man?

It wasn’t until they heard Jesus’ voice that their fears faded. It wasn’t until his words reached them that they could look beyond the under­standably unnerving image of a man walking on water and catch a glimpse of the Son of God. Up to that point, they weren’t sure that they wanted him in their boat. He was so strange, so different, and they weren’t sure that they could trust him.

But then came his voice, his word. This was Jesus, their teacher and friend! He wasn’t a ghost from the netherworld. He wasn’t an angry god bestriding the seas bringing vengeance and wrath. He was Jesus of Nazareth, and he had come to help them.

How often do I hesitate to wel­come Jesus into a situation because I’m afraid of what he may do? Perhaps he’ll ask me to do something dangerous, like step onto the water with him. Perhaps he’ll overpower me just as he overpowered the storm. Or per­haps he really isn’t who I thought he was. Perhaps he’s far more dangerous. Perhaps. Perhaps. Perhaps.

But in the midst of our inner storms, Jesus calls out: “It is I. Do not be afraid.” His word can calm our fears. His word—his voice—can reas sure us that he has a perfect plan for our lives and that we can trust him completely.

Make it a point today to listen to Jesus. No matter what is making you worried, anxious, or fearful, quiet your mind. Let the voice of the Lord bring you peace. You’ll be amazed how quickly—and safely—you get to the other side!

“Lord, you fill the whole earth with your goodness (Psalm 33:5). Help me to trust in you. Come, Lord, into my heart and speak your words of life!”
--that in all things God may be glorified--

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