“Mary stayed outside the tomb weeping.” (John 20:11)
Mary Magdalene had dared to hope, and look where it got her. Jesus was dead. And not only dead but missing! Out of great devotion, she hastened to the tomb early. She wanted to get there before everyone else so that she could prepare Jesus’ body for a proper burial. But he was gone! Crushed with sadness, she wept bitterly. She presumed that it was all over.
Apparently, Mary forgot Jesus’ promise to rise after three days. Perhaps the gardener, who presented himself, knew where his body was. “They have taken my Lord,” she said (John 20:13). It was all up to her. Peter and John had come and gone, leaving her quite alone. In her grief, she resolved that she would return him to the tomb herself if necessary.
Was it compassion for Mary that moved Jesus to call her by name? After all, he had not engaged Peter and John. Yet once he did call her, all her sadness and despair vanished. She recognized his voice! He was alive! She was no longer a mourner; she was no longer alone!
As the Easter season begins, it is a good idea to consider how often we go around acting as if Jesus were still dead. It’s a good idea to ask whether the decisions we make in a typical day reflect the creed we profess every Sunday at Mass. Do we really think Jesus can help us in our day? Or like Mary Magdalene, do we assume that he has left us to our own limited devices?
Yesterday, we suggested that you develop a plan to help you deepen your sense of Jesus’ presence during this Easter season, and today we want to encourage you again. Don’t be hesitant like Mary Magdalene and Peter and John! Jesus is at your side right now, ready to act in your life. Every day, affirm your belief in the risen Lord and his power to work in your life. Take him at his word, and ask him for one specific thing each day. Ask him, in the power of his resurrection, to pour out his grace in a difficult situation—and then listen for his voice. He wants to call you by name today!
“Jesus, I believe that you are the risen Lord! I place my faith in you and trust in your power to work in my life today.”
--that in all things God may be glorified--
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